Monday, August 11, 2014

Yay! Giant Chins In The Nest Box

So, I didn't want to post anything until we had results and news. On the 5th of last month (July) we tried it again with Rosebud and Cowboy. (You can read our last attempt here) The result arrived on the 5th of this month with 11 big, beautiful, healthy kits. Really one was born at 7 pm on the 4th and then 10 the next day about noon.

1 Day Old Giant Chinchilla Rabbit Kits
Today is day 6 and as of last night we were happy as larks with all 11 still growing strong and beautiful. We did have a bit of sad news this morning with the loss of our biggest. For some reason it had worked it's way into a corner and died, probably suffocated. Keep your fingers crossed that we will still have these 10 at 8 weeks.

Over all I am thrilled with this litter. Never before have we had such a consistent size and color throughout the entire group. When I weighed them yesterday there were none that were considerably shorter in length than the others. They all show the same skin color and weighed between 2.5 and 4 ounces each. I do think that it was one of the 4 oz kits that we lost though.

I hope you are having as blessed a day as we are. Best of luck in all your rabbit adventures.

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