Thursday, May 21, 2015

9 Week Old Thrianta

Introducing our newest litter of beautiful Thrianta rabbits. This litter is from (BR8) BTR's Syd aka Clover and (T3) Golden Paws Rabbitry's Spider Man and was born 3/25/15. There were 5 in the litter, 2 are confirmed does. 

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

5 Month Old Giant Chinchilla Does

Our Giant Chin babies are getting very large. They are 5 months old now and some are going to be leaving us. We are sad to see them go but happy that they will be helping someone else with their breeding program. After all, we can't keep all of them and we must all do our part to promote and improve this rare breed rabbit.

I had my daughter take a few moments on this chilly morning to snap a few pictures. Here are Buttercup (RC6) and Violet (RC5).

Buttercup looks very annoyed at being brought inside for pics. 
I love the ring patterns in the Chinchilla rabbit fur

Violet is giving the evil eye at being brought in. 
Obviously, both of these girls would rather be left to their pellets this morning. Neither wanted to pose.... or stay still.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

First Litter Of Baby Thrianta

Here is a collection of photos from our Thriantas babies born on 12/9/14



As of right now, it looks like we have two does.


Monday, December 15, 2014

Dauphin County Rabbit Show

I just wanted to share a quick post about the Dauphin County show and how well the Giant Chinchilla did.

We took the best bunnies from last months show and also those that were left at home for lack of carrier space. As I predicted, we had no DQs (disqualifications) or faults in this entire litter. All 9 kits have proven themselves on the table as conforming to the breeds Standard of Perfection. They are all legitimate Giant Chinchilla Rabbits. Having said that, we do agree that some are "better" than others and that's the main reason to take them to shows in the first place... to find out who is who. I wish that I could keep them all and have them registered at senior weight... if only we had the room.... and unending bunny feed money. lol

The second best part of the day, and the number one best part of the day for the kids, is that we took Best of Breed and Best Opposite Sex of Breed. The numbers of Giant Chins is usually low so we invited friends to send along some of theirs for better competition. That gave us a nice surprise..... other exhibitors and Chins from other barns. Yay! It's always nice to have real competition and take home ribbons.

The most shocking part is that our little runt doe, (RC9) took Best of Breed. Not only did she make weight but she beat out her siblings as well as intermediate and senior rabbits from the other exhibitors. We are shocked to say the least. I suppose that I should mention that the judge was Eric Stewart, of all people. I don't have to tell you that she will be staying with us now as part of our current breeding program. And to think that she was the only one that we wanted to cull. 

I have some great pictures and news of more new bunnies but that will have to wait until I have more time. 

Until then,
Best of luck at the show!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Baby Thrianta

We have been eagerly awaited our litter of Thrianta kits and they finally arrived on 12/9/14. There were only two and we are keeping our fingers crossed that they make it because of the cold temperatures.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Apple Country Fall Rabbit Show 2014

We had a lot of fun at the Apple Country Rabbit Show near Gettysburg Pa last Saturday. We took along 5 Giant Chins, 2 Mini Rex, 1 Thrianta, and a partridge in a pear tree..... just joking. But we did pick up a junior blue Polish buck and a 6/8 black Rex doe. It was a big day of rabbit fun for us.

The Giant Chinchilla rabbits that we took were those that the kids picked out from our most recent litter. They placed well even though they were the youngest in their class at just a little over 3 months. My daughter's junior doe (RC6) took Best Opposite of Sex.

The second doe was entered by my younger daughter and the third was entered and went home with a youth we have known for years. Each of my girls also took along their bucks to be evaluated by the judges. All of them did really well... and only a few days over 3 months old. I'm impressed.

I had wanted to take all the Giant Chins but frankly we didn't have enough carrier space and since the kids showed in Youth, I didn't want to be over in the Open building, so I left my picks at home. We still have 4 more juniors to put on the table from that litter, (Read this post so find out why I want to show the entire litter) 1 doe and 3 bucks.

The same daughter that was excited by her win with the Giant Chin doe was really surprised when her Thriata buck took best of breed (and won a leg). When she bought him he was in a terrible molt and the seller informed us that the doe (they came as a pair) was much better than the buck. He's a keeper!!

The reason we didn't take the Thrianta doe is because she is bred. If she took we will have baby Thrianta in 30 days. Very exciting!

My older son's Mini Rex each took 3rd place in their class. He was very happy to take home some ribbons. I was encouraged that they didn't get DQ'd for being over weight. There were more than a few kids that had to take their Mini Rex off the table for that very reason. Those little guys are always acting so hungry and you feel so bad you have to give them more food. Personally, I'll stick with big rabbits.

Speaking of big rabbits, I have a new black Rex doe. I've been waiting some time for her. I am really wanting a solid black with all black in the pedigree but finding a Rex at all was a task. This one carries chocolate, otter, lilac and broken as well as black, so I can go in several directions. Now I am tasked with finding a buck for her. We do have a friend with a broken black Rex buck but I'm not sure that I want to get into brokens. 

And last but not lease, we have a new, little, blue, Polish, buck living in our barn.... and he is the cutest little thing you have ever seen. His name is Zander (he came already named) and I can't wait to find a little Zander-ette for him. Oh, the cute little blue puffballs will look so cute in the nest box next spring.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Giant Chinchilla Rabbits ~ Ready For Autumn

Our baby Giant Chinchilla rabbits are getting so big, easily over 6 pounds today and only 10 weeks old. I wanted to get some cute pictures and I'd have to say that we did. They had no interest in the traditional pose, instead opting for fun games of hide in the crate and bunny pyramid. Hope you enjoy!