Wednesday, January 28, 2015

5 Month Old Giant Chinchilla Does

Our Giant Chin babies are getting very large. They are 5 months old now and some are going to be leaving us. We are sad to see them go but happy that they will be helping someone else with their breeding program. After all, we can't keep all of them and we must all do our part to promote and improve this rare breed rabbit.

I had my daughter take a few moments on this chilly morning to snap a few pictures. Here are Buttercup (RC6) and Violet (RC5).

Buttercup looks very annoyed at being brought inside for pics. 
I love the ring patterns in the Chinchilla rabbit fur

Violet is giving the evil eye at being brought in. 
Obviously, both of these girls would rather be left to their pellets this morning. Neither wanted to pose.... or stay still.

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