Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Accepting The Challenge

.... Or Why I'm Going To Show An Entire Litter Of Giant Chinchilla Rabbits At Our Upcoming Shows

As a way to research and look for stock in other breeds I have joined a lot of rabbit breeder pages on Facebook. In one of these groups I was attacked for petting out (selling as pets) those rabbits that I didn't want for exhibition at shows. I was accused of selling rabbits with DQs (disqualifications). No matter what I said, these people would not listen or comprehend that there was nothing wrong with the rabbits that I was selling. They insisted that I was horrible for Not eating the rabbits that I didn't want.

Do keep in mind that Giant Chinchilla rabbits are a rare breed and one of the ways that we are trying to help bring this breed back into popularity is to give then to 4-H kids, sell at shows to other exhibitors and sell them as pets while encouraging those new bunny owners to bring their new purchase to a show for exhibition themselves. We have had some success at this. There have been times that I have sold a rabbit (or a few) and the new owner showed up with it (them) at a show... and placed better than us. I actually really enjoy when that happens.

So, how does that turn into a challenge to show an entire litter of rabbits? Easy. I was being told that no one keeps all of the rabbits kits (babies) that they have because most of them have issues that would disqualify them. In fact, I was told, you are lucky to get one kit in a litter that is showable. For some breeds that may be so but not in my barn.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that my rabbits are so much more superior than everyone else's, (I do think they are very special though) I just want to prove that it Is possible to have an entire litter with No DQs.

Here's the story on the litter that I'm showing. They started as a litter of 11. One was lost at a few days old... and of course it was the biggest... what a sad loss. Then at a few weeks old we lost another one to a broken back. We were hoping to be able to save it but it didn't work out. This one too was a very nice size with the best fur. So, we now have 9 kits that are going on two months old. Because there were so many in the litter they are averaging about 3 oz. under weight with one being a definite runt. Their first show will be 3 days after they turn junior and I am sure they will not all make weight. All that do make weight will be shown at that time. As they make junior weight they will be entered in the next available show.

I have no doubt that they will all place at their upcoming shows and that there will, in fact, be no disqualified rabbits from this group. I'm actually very excited!

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